
How Do You Become a Licensed Electrician?


For those who are technically adept and interested in providing electrical services to keep the world going, becoming a licensed electrician can be an excellent career choice. But, before jumping into an education or training program, they need to understand what’s involved.

Electricians may have to work outside in all sorts of weather and will need to know how to read blueprints and technical diagrams, 连接电线, 断路器, 和媒体, 使用专门的设备, 比如示波器, 欧姆计, 和安培表. Electricians also must be adept at diagnosing problems, 是注重细节的, 有很强的手灵巧性, and use good judgement and techniques to solve any issues facing them.

Licensing requirements will vary state-to-state. Some have no licensing requirements; others may have state electrical licensing boards that issue exams and license those who pass, allowing them to work as apprentices or electricians. Exams are designed to test their 知识 about basic and advanced electrical codes and procedures, with licenses ranging from journeyman’s or residential licenses to maintenance and master electrician licenses.

Steps to Becoming a Licensed Electrician

The first step to becoming a licensed electrician is to earn a high school diploma or GED, then enroll in a vocational or career-focused electrical program. Upon completion, or as part of an externship, electrical graduates must enter an 学徒 program, which typically lasts at least two years…and as long as four years in some states. 在很多州, candidates must show proof of completing their 学徒 before they can take the licensing exam, which includes demonstrating 知识 of the National Electric Code.

只要他们拿到驾照, electricians can work as electrical contractors – either within a company or independently. 一次授权, they also can get certified to work as electrical administrators, 电信的承包商, or specialists – such as an instrumentation expert (certification types and requirements vary by state.)

Electric Trades at Fortis Colleges and Institutes

The Electric Trades program offered at select Fortis campuses in 阿拉巴马州 and 宾西法尼亚 is designed to provide students with the professional skills and 知识 to begin a career as a residential, commercial or industrial electrician. To learn more about getting started in a Fortis electrical trades program, or to find the campus closest to you offering the program, 访问我们的网站